Monday, June 20, 2011

Zomby "Natalia's Song" review

Over the last couple of years, the British Dub-Step scene has produced some compelling new artists. This includes producers such as Burial, James Blake, and Jamie XX among others. Zomby is a new producer who can be added on to that list. He has been flying under the radar and in 2008 released the rave-influenced LP “Where Were U in ‘92”. He was put on the spotlight when he was handpicked by Animal Collective to perform at a festival this past May, which he was a no show. Zomby is a reclusive guy who rather lets his music speak for itself; a refreshing trend that seems to be common within the genre.

Zomby will release a new album titled “Dedication” this summer and he has released the song Natalia’s Song as a single. The song has a stuttering back drum beat that is faint and slightly low in the mix. The beat is a bit jerky but it manages to still contain a danceable rhythm. A stuttering synth line also runs parallel with the drums creating the solid foundation of the track. A chopped up vocal sample that seems to be saying “forgive me” is present from the beginning until the end and part of it sounds like a person hiccupping. 

The way the sample is placed really works well with the rest of the production and to pull everything together a great sounding keyboard plays some sparse notes in between the vocal sample creating a pretty poignant sound that hits the sweet spot. 

Song of the Day will be "Natalia's Song" by Zomby

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