Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beastie Boys "Nonstop Disco Powerpack" review

“Hot Sauce Committee Part Two” is the eight studio album from the Beastie Boys, their new release since the underwhelming “To the 5 Boroughs”. Initially the Beastie Boys intended to release “Hot Sauce Committee Part 1” in 2009 via traditional means then release “Part 2” a couple of years later, but that was delayed when “MCA” was diagnosed with cancer. After MCA’s cancer treatments the Beastie Boys then announced that “Hot Sauce Committee Part 1” will be released under the title “Hot Sauce Committee Part Two”. Then in the future “Hot Sauce Committee Part 2” will be released under the title “Hot Sauce Committee Part One”, confusing right. Well let’s just jump into the songs.

The second track from “Hot Sauce Committee Part Two” is awesomely titled “Nonstop Disco Powerpack”. The track has a very old school sound with the way that the Beastie Boys trade rhymes back and forth. Their chemistry is their biggest strength; they make it sound effortless, even though the actual lyrics are nonsensical and often hilarious.

The production of the song is fairly simple, with a light drum shuffle coupled with a funky bass guitar. The live instruments result in a low fidelity sound that makes the song sound like a jam session with the Beastie Boys rapping over it. A surprising vocal effect pops in around the 58 second mark and it distorts their voices until  they sound like something from a 80s futuristic movie. The effect is cool and it manages to not get in the way of the rhyming which remains the focal point of the song. 

Song of the Day "Nonstop Disco Powerpack" (The video will be a preview of the song, couldn't find the full version on youtube)

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