Sunday, February 12, 2012

Burial "Loner"

Last year Burial gave us the “Street Halo” EP which I still thoroughly enjoy. It was short, sweet and straight to the point, the more I listen to it, I increasingly appreciate the EP format. Apparently Burial does too; I found out that he is releasing an EP called “Kindred”. In fact the whole thing is available for streaming on the hyperdub website. “Loner” is second track on the EP and it’s a gem introduced with a sample nervously stating “there’s something out there” and for the first minute the stage is being set in a cinematic way. Once everything settles down, the kick drum locks in a groove that is akin to the “Street Halo” track, and the dark ominous sounds slowly begin to creep in. Then a sped up and looped synthesizer produces a sense of urgency, almost as if time is running out and something very serious needs to be done. Towards the end of the song the beat evaporates and the only thing left is hazy static and a high pitched female voice that wails in a ghostly manner. And by that point you do realize that something must have happened leaving behind devastating consequences. “Loner’ is  yet another great example of the prodigious talent of this producer, all the sounds and textures gel together marvelously whilst maintaining the lo-fi grittiness. 

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